Power of the Hearts podcast launched on the vernal equinox of 2022 -- for us to all begin growing together.

The purpose of this podcast is to help encourage all humans on Earth to access the FREE healing we have inside each of us when we start with serving our two homes: self and Earth.

Daily intentional word, thought, or action caring for our two homes fuels a healthier relationship with our anxiety and overwhelm. This simple mindset contributes to unlocking the true purpose of life-- the superpower of our LOVE -- to the universe.

Come join the community building on Instagram or Facebook.

I am your host of this learning-together style podcast. You can call me Coach Ray- the kind of gal who knows how to lace up clean & professional, but prefers a life never knowing where my shoes are and dirt under my fingernails.

From my eclectic time here thus far as a wife, mother, mystery chronic illness patient, clinician, engineer, coach, friend and becoming inter-are with nature- I am passionate about how simple actions with deep intention are what amplifies our superpower of love. I am facilitating global conversations with both peers and professionals and sharing what I am learning myself to be any part of the healing, light, and joy the universe deserves and needs. This is about embracing that this daily intention is accessible and capable by every human and aligns with all walks of life to serve self and each other now and in our children's future during any chapter.

So- let's do what we can, and do it today.